
Personal relationships to people, places and concepts form the starting point of Anna Baptist’s photographs. Whether recounting her father-in-law’s escape from rehab for a performance, portraying her wife’s ensemble during a concert tour, or documenting the creative Covid testing stations in her adopted home of Berlin, Anna Baptist brings the viewer close to her personal experiences. At the same time, her protagonists‘ stories reflect on themes such as fulfillment in old age, the freedom of jazz, and everyday life during the pandemic.

Her narrative perspective is shaped on the one hand by the time she spent as a teenager at the Buddhist center. Anna Baptist approaches her subjects without prejudice and with an open mind. On the other hand, after a decade of touring the world with jazz musicians, her photography has developed very down-to-earth, close to the present moment, close to the action.

Anna Baptist became a photographer by detours. After studying Business in Berlin and Singapore, she worked briefly as a management consultant. Since then she has been working as a freelance artist manager in the field of jazz and classical music. She took her first photo series during a concert trip to New York. Anna Baptists photographic work has won numerous awards and can be seen regularly in music media. Born in Austria, she lives and works in Berlin.

Die persönliche Beziehung zu Menschen, Orten und Konzepten bildet den Ausgangspunkt von Anna Baptists Fotografien. Egal, ob sie über ihren Schwiegervater, der aus der Reha zum Gig flieht erzählt, das Ensemble ihrer Frau während einer Konzerttournee portraitiert oder die kreativen Covid-Teststationen ihrer Wahlheimat Berlin dokumentiert, Anna Baptist führt den Betrachter nah an ihre eigene Erlebniswelt. Zugleich reflektieren die Geschichten ihrer Protagonisten Themen wie die Erfüllung im Alter, die Freiheit des Jazz und den Alltag während der Pandemie.

Ihre Erzählperspektive ist einerseits von ihrer Zeit, die sie als Teenager im buddhistischen Zentrum verbracht hat, geprägt. Vorurteilsfrei und offen nähert sich Anna Baptist ihren Themen. Andererseits hat sich ihre Fotografie, nach einer Dekade auf weltweiter Konzertreise mit Jazzmusikern sehr down-to-earth, nah am jetzigen Moment, nah am Geschehen entwickelt.

Anna Baptist wurde über Umwege zur Fotografin. Nach ihrem BWL-Studium in Berlin und Singapur arbeitete sie kurzfristig als Unternehmensberaterin. Seitdem ist sie freischaffende Künstlermanagerin im Jazz- und Klassikbereich. Ihre erste Fotostrecke nahm sie während einer Konzertreise nach New York auf. Anna Baptists fotografische Arbeiten sind vielfach ausgezeichnet und regelmäßig in Musikmedien zu sehen. Die gebürtige Österreicherin lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.

Awards & Features

The Jazz of Life (2023):
Published by Edge of Humanity Magazine
Honorable Mention New York Photography Awards
Honorable Mention Budapest International Foto Awards
Series Honorable Mention MonoVisions Awards

Today when I was Young (2022):
Honorable Mention in Editorial, ND Awards
Honorable Mention Deeper Perspective, IPA International Photography Awards
Nomination Paris Photo Prize PX3
Nomination Fine Art Photography Awards
Silver Winner New York Photography Awards
Silver Winner Budapest International Foto Awards

Advertising Photo for Maria Baptist (2022):
Official Selection IPA International Photography Awards
Nomination Fine Art Photography Awards
Honorable Mention New York Photography Awards

La Dolce Vita (2022):
Winner Film/Analog People’s Vote Award reFocus Awards
Nomination Color Photography Contest 

Rebel without a Cause (2021):
Exhibited at F-Stop Magazine
Gold Winner Budapest International Foto Awards
Nomination Tokyo International Foto Awards
Nomination Monovisions Awards
Nomination Fine Art Nomination Photography Awards
Nomination Paris Photo Prize PX3

Berlin is Testing (2021):
Exhibited at Covid Photo Museum
Published by Designboom Magazin
Silver Winner New York Photography Awards
Official Selection IPA International Photography Awards

Single Works on Photo Vogue


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Self-portrait inspired by Phil Stern’s »James Dean in Sweater« 1955.

© Anna Baptist 
All Rights Reserved